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We aim to create a safe space for all dancers and consider the safeguarding of our students a priority


We have all received safeguarding training and are DBS checked. Professional development through training in Dance, First Aid, Mental Health and Safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults is something that we see as a duty and good work place practice. As we continue to further our knowledge and training as professional dance teachers, we also aim to develop our understanding of how we can have a positive impact on mental health and guiding our children and young adults to live a healthy lifestyle, physically and mentally.


Our Safeguarding Lead for Jane Coleman School of Dancing is Rachel Elliott and any concerns regarding the welfare of a student within our classes will be recorded and stored securely. 

Our latest training documentation is available to view:


Rachel Elliott - Safeguarding Lead

Katie Dahlstedt - Safeguarding | Mental Health Awareness for Sport and Physical Activity



School Regulations, Policies and GDPR - Please click here to download

We ask that you kindly observe of the following rules, regulations and policies in the acceptance of a place in the School. The School reserves the right to refuse entry to classes if these rules are not complied with. The School reviews and amends its policies and regulations on a regular basis and advises parents to read this document thoroughly to ensure a clear understanding is gained. Please contact us if you require more information.


School Regulations
1. All parents/guardians must complete a registration form that will act as an agreement between Jane Coleman School of Dancing (The School) and parents/guardians. 

2. Students attending the school who wish to stop attending a class or start a new class are required to give the school half term's notice. All class changes must be authorised by the Principals and all requests must be put in writing. Invoices will not be altered when insufficient notice for a student leaving or changing a class is not given.

3. All fees are payable by the first week of each new term, a 10% surcharge will be added to any fees outstanding after the second week, unless payment terms have been agreed in advance. Fees are non-refundable and will not be returned because of absence under any circumstances. Invoices will be emailed before each new term.

4. Hair should be secured correctly for all classes. A bun should be worn for all ballet classes. For Modern, Jazz and Tap classes hair should be in a ponytail. Only very short hair can be worn down with a hair band.

5. Jane Coleman School of Dancing uniform should be worn during every class, no outside clothing is allowed during class. However the school logo uniform will be allowed when cold. Please ensure that your child arrives for their dance class with correct uniform and appropriate foot wear.

6. No jewellery is to be worn in class; this includes watches, earrings (studs allowed), rings and bracelets. For security reasons, we recommend that valuables are not brought to the school. Mobile phones must be switched off for the duration of the class. NO chewing gum is allowed in class.

7. It is the responsibility of the parent to name ALL pieces of uniform and to check when leaving that they have all their possessions with them. No responsibility will be taken by the school for any losses incurred on the premises. Please let the teacher know if anything has been lost or left behind.

8. Please inform us if your child is suffering from any health complaints or allergies.

9. All term and holiday dates are stated in the newsletter found on the notice board at the start of every term. Please refer to the notice board frequently for any changes. We try and stay in line with school terms as much as possible, though we cannot help circumstances which may change this.

10. At NO point must parents or pupils enter the studio when classes are in progress, unless in exceptional circumstances. Parents may watch classes on the last week of term during which photography or filming is allowed in most circumstances, please check with your teacher.


11. This is an International Dance Teacher’s Association School working towards the highest standard of training. This results in examinations being taken when and only when the Principals believe the pupil has reached the required standard. A letter will be given to the pupil when they are ready for an exam. The reply section of this letter should be returned by the date stated, together with the appropriate fee. If fees are not received by the due date, the pupil will not be entered for the exam. Examinations require a lot of hard work, dedication and require attendance of extra examination classes to ensure pupils are at the correct standard by the exam date. These classes are scheduled in addition to syllabus classes and are charged by a separate fee.

12. Please respect the building and property where the classes are taking place, by keeping the noise level low and the rooms tidy and free of rubbish.

13. For security purposes, the main doors of both premises must remain closed at all times. Pupils must not leave the premises without a parent or guardian. If you are leaving your child in the care of another waiting parent or guardian, please ensure that they are in the building before leaving your child. If you are unable to collect your child on time, children will wait on the hall with their teacher and will not be allowed to wait outside the hall. In the event of an accident or fire, only the children in the main hall will be accounted for by the teachers. In summary, the school cannot be held responsible for any unsupervised children.

14. Parents must amend their details on the parent portal if their details have changed. Please ensure we have up to date information at all times.



School Polices

The School's emails and letters contain confidential and/or privileged information and are intended for only the person to whom it is addressed. Any unauthorised copying, forwarding, disclosure or distribution of the material contained in emails and any attachment is strictly prohibited. All personal information at the school is kept confidential and will not be discussed or shared by the school with any other parent or student.

If there is a bad weather warning in place and you are in doubt about classes taking place. Please check the website or Facebook for information. In such cases the school will reschedule classed where possible. Parents will be notified by our texting service, website and emails. Please make sure your details are up to date and you check our news page.

Child Protection
At the Jane Coleman School of Dancing we have a duty of care to safeguard all children. It is our aim to provide children and young people with appropriate safety and protection that attend the School. We abide by The Child Protection Act 2004.

Protection of our Children
At the Jane Coleman School of dancing, we ensure that all children are protected. For younger students we insist they do not go home without their Parents or Guardians and will be kept within the hall with the teacher until collected. Once out of the lesson parents are responsible for their children. Parents and students will not let any persons in the hall if they do not know them or are suspicious of them. We also do not tolerate any behaviour that results in bullying or discrimination, the school will give a written notice for any unacceptable behaviour from a student. If this behaviour does not show improvement the school has the right to refuse admission.

Use of Photographic/Filming Equipment
If a parent wishes to photograph or film classes, they may do so with the permission of the Principals and or the teacher's consent, however we operate a policy that protects families that do not wish their children to be photographed or filmed. If this policy is found to be breeched we will ask you to remove all evidence of the photography/filming. Jane Coleman School of Dancing uses our own photographs and filming as a platform to advertise the School and to celebrate the students's achievements. The School photos and filming will be published of children at the School and we ask that all members of the School notify the School if you do not want wish your child to be photographed or filmed when you register with the School. When the School films the two School Shows, parents who do not wish their child to be recorded should notify the school. We therefore advise that these children do not participate in the final show, as this show will be filmed. 


Health and Safety
Some physical contact is necessary by the teacher to demonstrate exercises or techniques or to prevent injury during the class. If in the case of minor accidents, first aid needs to be administered, the school will contact the Parent/Guardian immediately. No responsibility is taken for any injury occurring, during or after classes, although great care is taken to avoid such an occurrence. When a parent enrols their child with the Jane Coleman School of Dancing, it is their responsibility to ensure that the information given on their registration form is correct and the school is aware of any illness or disability that may affect their child during lessons.

The use of Social Media
We ask that current students who have access to social media do not contact teachers or student teachers on their personal pages. We ask that all students contact the School’s email and/or social media page for any questions, helpful tips and advice. Social media is a wonderful communication tool however the Jane Coleman School of Dancing Facebook Page, Instagram Page and School email should be the only use of social media contact from current students to teachers. Jane Coleman School of Dancing uses our Social Media page as a platform to advertise the School and to celebrate the students's achievements. The School Photo's will be published of children at the School and we ask that all members of the School notify the School if you do not want wish your child to be photographed when you register with the School.


General Data Protection Regulations 2018 - In accordance with the GPDR Statement.


GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation and replaces the previous Data Protection. It was approved by the EU Parliament in 2016 and came into effect on 25th May 2018. GDPR states that personal data should be ‘processed fairly & lawfully’ and ‘collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes’ and that individuals data is not processed without their knowledge and are only processed with their ‘explicit’ consent. GDPR covers personal data relating to individuals. Jane Coleman School of Dancing is committed to protecting the rights and freedoms of individuals with respect to the processing of children's, parents, visitors and staff personal data. The Data Protection Act gives individuals the right to know what information is held about them. It provides a framework to ensure that personal information is handled properly.


What we do at The Jane Coleman School of Dancing:

  • We do not disclose or sell personal data to third parties 

  • We do not disclose personal data to other members of the School and their families.

  • The School uses contact numbers and emails for newsletters, updates, whole school and individual communication, invoices and general information.

  • Emergency Parent contact numbers are given to teachers termly for the sole use of emergency contact only.

  • Personal data is stored in a locked password encrypted database, email  and invoicing system (‘Class Manager’).

    • ‘Class manager’ is the School software for the sole use of the School database and is maintained by Jane Coleman School of Dancing.

  • Paper registration forms are stored in a secured cabinet and hard copy information is destroyed when appropriate. 


Information about individual children is used in certain documents, such as, a weekly register, medication forms and examination documentations. These documents include data such as children's names, date of birth and emergency contact numbers. These records are shredded after the relevant retention period.


Access to ‘Class Manager’, School Email account, Website, personal Data, Social Media Accounts, Newsletters and Examination Details is password protected and is not available to members of the Public or members of the School. The Principals have sole access to all this data. 


GDPR includes 7 rights for individuals

1) The right to be informed

The Jane Coleman School of Dancing is registered with the International Dance Teacher’s Association (IDTA) and as so, is required to collect and manage certain data. The School collects parent’s and or guardian's names, addresses, emergency telephone numbers and email addresses. We also collect children’s’ full names, addresses, date of birth along with any SEN requirements and are stored via a secure electronic system ‘Class Manager’ and paper registration forms are stored in a secured filing cabinet.


This is in respect of our Health and Safety and Safeguarding Policies.

The Jane Coleman School of Dancing is required to hold data on its Teachers such as names, addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers and bank details. Information such as Disclosure and Barring Service checks (DBS), personal Public Liability insurance, First Aid Certificate's, Membership details and any qualification's. This information stored via a secure electronic system ‘Class Manager’ and paper forms are stored in a secured filing cabinet.


2) The right of access

At any point an individual can make a request relating to their data and The Jane Coleman School of Dancing will need to provide a response (within 1 month). The Jane Coleman School of Dancing can refuse a request, if we have a lawful obligation to retain data but we will inform the individual of the reasons for the rejection. 


3) The right to erasure

You have the right to request the deletion of your data where there is no compelling reason for its continued use. However The Jane Coleman School of Dancing has a legal duty to keep student and parents details whilst the student is registered at the school. The Jane Coleman School of Dancing retain any records relating to student's accident and injury records for 19 years (or until the child reaches 21 years), and 22 years (or until the child reaches 24 years) for Child Protection records. Self Employed Teaching records will be erased when the member leaves their position. All hard copy information is destroyed.


4) The right to restrict processing

Parents, visitors and staff can object to The Jane Coleman School of Dancing processing their data. This means that records can be stored but must not be used in any way, for example School Newsletters, General Emails about School news and updates and ‘Class Manager’ text service. In this situation, The School has no obligation to refund any classes missed or cancelled due to 'lack of communication'. It will be the parents responsibility to ensure they are informed about the Termly event's happening at the School.



5) The right to data portability

The Jane Coleman School of Dancing requires data, for example registration forms to be transferred from student, to teacher, to School Principal. The School also require's to provide data such as student DOB and exam pin number's to be able to enter students in IDTA Exams. In this case recipients use secure file transfer systems and have their own policies and procedures in place in relation to GDPR.


6) The right to object

Parents, visitors and staff can object to their data being used for certain activities like marketing or research.


7) The right not to be subject to automated decision-making including profiling.

Automated decisions and profiling are used for marketing based organisations. The Jane Coleman School of Dancing does not use personal data for such purposes.


This Policy was issued by the principals of The Jane Coleman School of Dancing in September 2019.

Annual review date: September 2024


© 2023 Jane Coleman School of Dancing - Burwash, Robertsbridge, Stonegate, Catsfield in East Sussex  and Hawkhurst in Kent

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